EPYC je iz temelja baziran na podatkovnim centrima današnjice

AMD EPYC Server Procesor

EPYC je procesor za kojim korisnici žude: vodeći u industriji procesora, kapacitet memorije, memorijska propusnost, I/O kapacitet. 1,2,3,4 Nudeći prvi nekompromisni single-socket i ground breaking dual-socket rješenje, dizajniran da bi izdržao opterečenja današnjice, ali i u budučnosti.

EPYC Procesor: Predstavljen po brojevima

  • 32, 24, 16, and 8 cores options
  • 128 PCIe® Gen 3 Lanes in a single CPU (the largest I/O capacity1)
  • 8 Memory Channels per CPU
  • 2TB RAM per socket

Odaberite EPYC kako bi svojim korisnicima ponudili procesor koji će  zadovoljiti i odgovoriti na sve potrebe sada i u budućnosti.

EPYC je spreman. Jeste i Vi spremni?


1. AMD EPYC 7601 processor includes up to 32 CPU cores versus the Xeon Platinum 8180 processor with 28 CPU cores. NAP-43.
2. AMD EPYC™ 7601 processor supports up to 8 channels of DDR4-2667, versus the Xeon Platinum 8180 processor at 6 channels of DDR4-2667. NAP-42
3. A single AMD EPYC™ 7601 processor offers up to 2TB/processor (x 2 = 4TB), versus a single Xeon Platinum 8180 processor at 768Gb/processor (x 2 = 1.54TB). NAP-44
4. AMD EPYC™ processor supports up to 128 PCIe® Gen 3 I/O lanes (in both 1 and 2-socket configuration), versus the Intel® Xeon® SP Series processor supporting a maximum of 48 lanes PCIe® Gen 3 per CPU, plus 20 lanes in the chipset (max of 68 lanes on 1 socket and 116 lanes on 2 socket). NAP-56